lunedì 1 dicembre 2008

norse myth revew

Vikings: vikings were a term given by the British to the nourish people coz they went viking (raiding)

Ginnungagap: the abyss that existed before Nifleheim and Muspellheim came to be

Nifleheim: the land of ice and fog or the collective underworld

Muspellheim: the land of fire guarded by Surt

Yggdrasil: the tree to which all life lives... Midgard, Asgard, Nifleheim ect

Asgard: was the realm of the God

Midgard: the realm of the humans

Hel: child of Loki, and the queen of Hel (the origin of Hell)

Bifrost Bridge: a rainbow that linked the worlds

Ymir: the first frost giant and his body became the world, stars, ect

Odin: the best of all the Gods, God of wisdom, war & the sky

Frigg: cloud spinner wife of Odin

The Valkyries: daughters of Odin and chose the slain for Valhalla

The Norns: they make the fate... how your life will turn out

Thor: son of Odin God of war and thunder & lightning

Balder: Balder was the best of all Gods favored by all

Njord: God of the sea... high one& just as high& third stated that he was the geatest of all Gods

Frey: God of fertility and earth

Freya: Goddess of love, fertility and beauty

Idunn: guard of the golden apples of youth

Loki: God of evil father to a race of monsters trickster of all the Gods

Fenrir: wolf, son of Loki, tricked into bondage by the Gods

Jormungandr: serpent, son of Loki. tossed into the ocean ware it sits raped around the world with its tail in its mouth

Ragnarok: dooms day, the apocalypses, the day to end all we know of

Runes: a gift from Odin that mean words or can be used to predict what is to come