mercoledì 15 ottobre 2008

Essay draft

Endymion The shepherd

Endymion the shepherd was a simple man. A human of no Godly heritage just as you and me. One day he gathered his sheep off the edge of a mountain… as it got later he started to set up camp for the night… watching over his flock he slowly was engulfed with sleep.

As he slept, Selene, the goddess of the moon, watched him and fell in love with him… she came down from the heavens to lay with him. Standing over him she whispers sweet nothings. Yet he dissent wake not toss nor turn, as he lay there on this mountain forever asleep… Some clam that the moon curse him to sleep forever so that he would never leave her… his story was the inspiration to poets and bards and peasants alike.

Eyndyman was a shepherd and as simple as it really got. With shepherds they tend to have a lot of thinking time so most often than not eyndyman was very smart. He went to the top of a mountain to gather his flock… the name of the mountain is supposedly litmus… and as he slept in the middle of winter. The moon Selene came down onto the cap of the mountain and came down to him. From a modern look in winter the moon is closer than in the other times of the year.

Selene: the goddess of the moon was beautiful, so beautiful that she enchanted mortals to stare at her at night… as she looked down from the heavens she spied this man named Endymion. Endymion was a shepherded close to the earth in his own way. He was harmless to the land and gentle to the animals every thing a god could fall for. As he slept she went to him… fearing he might wake and find he hideous she as some have said enchanted him to sleep forever so that she could love him forever and he her love never die… immortal in time to be forever loved by a god.

(this is only a ruff draft.....)